Summer 2022 Educational Events

We’ve had the following educational events so far this Summer, with a few more on deck:

June: We held a discussion on law & order in San Francisco, including a debate about restorative justice.

July: A long-time SF police officer led a discussion on crime in San Francisco and on which Mayors have done a better job at letting the police do their job.  (Long story short: Willie Brown was good, while Frank Jordan wasn’t & the latest Democrat, London Breed hasn’t been.)

August: We will be having a discussion about the pros and cons of the candidates and ballot propositions on the November ballot.

We have also had a separate event series of book readings and discussions.  SFYR’s Culture Club spearheads educational discussions about works of literature from the 1800s and earlier. Drawing upon past classics helps ground modern conservative thinking upon solid deep rooted foundations. Past discussions have been about Milton’s Paradise Lost, Tolstoy’s Kreutzer Sonata, Voltaire’s short story Zadig, and this month we covered Bram Stoker’s Dracula.