SFYR June 2022 Endorsements

SFYR has issued the following endorsements for the June 2022 election.

Yes on Prop A: This proposition is important funding for Public Transit.

No on Prop C: This would change rules regarding recall elections.

No on Prop D: This would create a new Democrat filled bureaucracy.

No on Prop E: This proposition would limit the Board of Supervisors’ flexibility regarding minimizing externalities of new construction.

No on Prop G: This proposition would make it less likely for mask mandates and social credit scores to ever be ended, by making emergency declarations into a new unfunded entitlement.

Yes on Prop H: Democrat politician Chesa Boudin is not the right fit for San Francisco’s law and order values.

Congressional District 11: We endorse John Dennis for Congress.

Congressional District 15: We endorse Gus Mattammal for Congress.

During April and May we are hosting speaker events with multiple candidates for local and statewide office for young republicans to learn about their voting options.

SFYR generally does not weigh in on statewide races.  California Young Republicans Federation has endorsed Lanhee Chen for Controller, and Mark Meuser for U.S. Senate.

Updated May 13, 2022 to reflect our endorsements of Gus Mattamal and in the Prop C and Prop D races.

Updated May 30, 2022 to reflect updated CYRF endorsement.