Author: SFYR

Learning to Petition

Feel like doing volunteer work for a good cause this weekend?
The local Recall Gavin coordinators have asked for our help collecting signatures this weekend. Its a great opportunity to learn if you haven’t had the chance to try out signature collecting before. Reach out to recallgavinsf [@] if you are interested in signing up for a shift. They have specific neighborhoods that they want covered, but you can also tell them if you have a spot of your own in mind where you’d like to gather signatures. “No experience needed; enthusiasm required. Bring a clipboard.”
If you’d rather reach out to voters by by email, phone, or text, the Recall Newsom campaign offers that as an option as well.

Happy Presidents’ Day!

Happy Presidents’ Day! A day for honoring the best Mayors, Governors, and Presidents from across time. As we rebuild the Republican Party in San Francisco, we can use this day to learn about the last time that the Republican Party was successfully refounded in San Francisco.
Mayor “Sunny Jim” Rolph ended 20 years of Democratic control of San Francisco, and kicked off over a half century of Republican dominance in our City, which lasted until the mid-1960s.
Drawing upon his CEO experience, Mayor Rolph forged a strong coalition for winning and then governance. He knew that in San Francisco, support of the Catholic community is paramount. He then won the support of the City’s ruling class via convincing them both that 1. the Democrat Machine in power was no longer working out, and that 2. Mayor Rolph’s team was ready, willing, and able to do a better job.
For us to prove to the City that we are Ready, Willing, and Able, we need to build up a strong slate of candidates, train a wide array of volunteers to get those candidates elected, and to prepare our grassroots activists to step into roles in City Government as soon as we win.
San Francisco Young Republicans is working on all three of those things: reach out to us to get involved.

Happy Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday!

Happy Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday! Reach out to us if you’re interested in running for school board on the Republican slate of nominees for either 2022 or 2024. We’ll put you in contact with the SFGOP RCCC so they can put you in a position to win.
Once we take majority on the SF school board we’ll be able to think bigger than merely saving Lincoln High, Washington High, & Lowell High. We’ll be able to go on the offensive.
Imagine: Putting pro-American names -back- onto the schools that the Democrats already stripped them from (i.e. Columbus Elementary in the Inner Sunset), bringing back the Lincoln’s Birthday & Washington’s Birthday holidays, and adding a 1776 curriculum to require teachers at all levels to teach students to aspire to be like our Founding Fathers.
For Lincoln High itself, not only will we be able to save its name, but we’ll be able to make it easier for students to -get to school- via restoring the 66-Quintara and the Sunset portion of the 48-Quintara busses.
But, it all begins with you stepping up to volunteer for our campaigns, or to run for office yourself.

November 2020 SFYR Endorsements

Dated October 14, 2020:

(Retrieved June 23, 2021 from SFYR.GOP Facebook Page)

San Francisco Young Republicans are pleased to announce our November 2020 candidate and proposition endorsements.


SF District 7 Board of Supervisors: #1 Stephen Martin-Pinto (R)

SF College Board: Marie Hurabielle (R)

President/VP of the United States:   Donald Trump/Mike Pence (R)

CA Prop 14 (Bond debt for stem cell companies):   Vote No

CA Prop 15 (Partial repeal of historic “Prop 13” protections against tax increases):   Vote No

CA Prop 16 (Legalizes racial discrimination):   Vote No

CA Prop 19 (Changes property tax rules):   Vote No

CA Prop 22 (Uber/Lyft independent contractor bill):   Vote Yes

BA Prop RR (SF/San Mateo/Santa Clara sales tax measure to fund Caltrain):   Vote Yes

SF Prop E (Removes minimum police staffing):   Vote No

On two races (CA Prop 21-Permitting local governments to decide rent control policies; and CA Prop 24-Consumer Privacy Rights Act), we chose to remain neutral and not endorse either side: We encourage you to read up on the pro and con arguments for both.

November 2013 SFYR Endorsements

Dated September 28, 2013:

(Retrieved June 23, 2021)


San Francisco Republican 2013 City Endorsements

For anyone who is a voter in San Francisco, here are a few of the propositions and elected leaders that we are endorsing.

Proposition A (Retiree Healthcare Trust Fund)- Yes
Proposition B (8 Washington Street Initiative)- Yes
Proposition C (8 Washington Street Referendum)- Yes
Proposition D (Prescription Drug Purchasing)- No

For Offices:
Assessor-Recorder: Carmen Chu
Treasurer: Jose Cisneros
City Attorney: No Endorsement
Supervisor, District 4: Katy Tang


(2021 Editor’s Note: The above was retrieved from the copy of the 2013 website of a previous incarnation of SFYR.  It is listed for historical purposes only.  Current club members do not condone the endorsement of Democrat Party Machine Politician Katy Tang, and proudly helped do GOTV to successfully defeat Katy Tang’s chosen Democrat successor in 2018.)

November 2010 SFYR Endorsements

Dated October 25, 2010

(Retrieved June 23, 2021)


ELECTION 2010: When The Elephants Come Stomping Back!

October 25th, 2010 by Administrator

SFYR Endorsements

Local Ballot Initiatives

Proposition AA, Vehicle Registration Fee: NO
Proposition A, Earthquake Retrofit Bond: NO
Proposition B, City Retirement and Health Plans: YES
Proposition C, Mayoral Appearances at Board Meetings: NO
Proposition D, Non-Citizen Voting in School Board Elections: NO
Proposition E, Election Day Voter Registration: NO
Proposition F, Health Service Board Elections: NO ENDORSEMENT
Proposition G, Transit Operator Wages: YES
Proposition H, Local Elected Officials on Political Party Committees: NO
Proposition I, Saturday Voting: NO
Proposition J, Hotel Tax Clarification and Temporary Increase: NO
Proposition K, Hotel Tax Clarification and Definitions: YES
Proposition L, Sitting or Lying on Sidewalks: YES
Proposition M, Community Policing and Foot Patrols: NO
Proposition N, Real Property Transfer Tax: NO


BART Board, District 8
James Fang

Superior Court Judge, Seat 15
Judge Richard B. Ulmer

State Assembly, 12th District
Alfonso Faustino

State Assembly, 13th District
Laura Peter

U.S. Congress, 8th District
John Dennis

Public Defender
Jeff Adachi (running unopposed)

Board of Education
(Vote for up to 3 candidates)
SUPPORT: Omar Khalif
AVOID: Margaret Brodkin, Kim-Shree Maufas

Board of Supervisors
(Ranked-choice voting will be used, so be sure to use your 2nd and 3rd
choices to avoid the “progressives” in your district, in addition to
voting for our endorsed candidates.)

District 2
Mark Farrell
Abraham Simmons (2nd choice)

District 8
Bill Hemenger
Scott Wiener (2nd choice)


(2021 Editor’s Note: The above was retrieved from the copy of a prior incarnation of SFYR’s website.  We do not condone the negativity towards progressives, nor the support for Democrat Scott Weiner in the above post.  We repost this here for the historical record.  We do proudly note, that SFYR Endorsed candidate James Fang won his election as a Republican in San Francisco.  Anyone who tells you that Republicans can’t win in San Francisco is lying to you.  Republicans win here when they run strong campaigns tailored to their districts.)

June 2010 SFYR Endorsements

Dated June 8, 2010:

(Retrieved June 23, 2021)


SFYR Endorsements for the June 8 Primary Election

Congressional District 8: John Dennis
Assembly District 13: Laura Peter
Assembly District 12: Alfonso Faustino

Central Committee
Assembly District 13
Alisa Farenzena
James Fuller
Ed Sheppard
Dana Walsh
Sean Pritchard
Laura Peter
Sarah Vallette
Jay Rubin
John Dennis
Brian Coleman
Brooke Chappell
Johnny Knadler

Assembly District 12
Chris Baker
Michael Sweeney
Rodney Leong
Bernadette Lawrence
Chris Miller
Howard Epstein
Regina Growney
Rita O’Hara
Rich Worner

Superior Judge
Seat 6: Harry Dorfman
Seat 15: Richard Ulmer

City Propositions
A – School Parcel Tax: No
B – Public Safety Bond:No
C – Film Commission: No
D – City Employee Retirement: Yes
E – Cost of Dignitary Security: No
F – Tenant Hardship: No
G – Highspeed Rail Station: No Endorsement

CYR Endorsements for the June 8 Primary

Governor: Steve Poizner
Lt. Governor: Sam Aanestad
Secretary of State: Damon Dunn
Treasurer: Mimi Walters

CYR did not endorse in the Senate race. At the February CYR Unity Convention, Tom Campbell spoke during the “How to Defeat the Left” seminar, Carly Fiorina spoke at the Saturday night dinner, and Chuck DeVore spoke during our media panel and addressed the convention delegates on Sunday. DeVore also hosted Saturday night’s wine tasting suite, and was the conventions largest financial supporter. After hearing all 3 candidates, the Silicon Valley Chapter, the host chapter for the event, conducted a straw poll, asking delegates which candidate they preferred in the Republican Senate primary. Here are the results.

Chuck DeVore: 57%
Carly Fiorina: 29%
Tom Campbell: 14%

CYR did not endorse in the Attorney General Race. Candidates include Steve Cooley, John Eastman and Tom Harman. John Eastman and Tom Harman participated in the CYR Unity Convention.

CYR did not endorse in any of the statewide propositions.

November 2009 SFYR Endorsements

Dated October 19, 2009:

(Retrieved June 23, 2021)


November 3, 2009 Election SFYR Endorsements

October 19th, 2009 by Administrator

Prop A (Budget Process): No Position
Prop B (Eliminate BOS Aide Limit): Oppose
Prop C (Allow Candlestick Naming Rights): Endorse
Prop D (Mid-Market Special Sign District): Endorse. SFYR has paid for a ballot argument in favor of Prop D
Prop E (Advertisements on City Property): Endorse


(2021 Editor’s note: The above endorsements came from the copy of the website of a prior incarnation of SFYR.  The current (post-2020) SFYR incarnation has not spent any funds on ballot arguments.  We post these past endorsements for the historical record, so that our current and future members can learn from the political history of San Francisco’s young conservatives of past eras.  The fact that Prop D mattered so much to 2009 SFYR that they became involved in the ballot argument process is a very interesting historical tidbit worth mulling over.)

May 2009 SFYR Endorsements

Dated May 4, 2009:

(Retrieved June 23, 2021)


SFYR May 19 Special Election Endorsements

May 4th, 2009 by Administrator

Prop 1A: Oppose

Prop 1B: Oppose

Prop 1C: Oppose

Prop 1D: Oppose

Prop 1E: Oppose

Prop 1F: Support

(2021 Editor’s note: This was a special election held during some of the darkest times of the Obama/Biden era economic depression. provides information on what the above propositions were about.  Back then the state budget was even more of a mess than it is today, hence these propositions.)

January 2009 SFYR CRP Endorsements

Dated January 25, 2009:

(Retrieved June 23, 2021)


SFYR endorses Nehring and Del Beccaro for CRP

January 25th, 2009 by tori

The San Francisco Young Republicans has endorsed Ron Nehring for Chair of the California Republican Party and Thomas Del Becarro for Vice-Chair of the California Republican Party.

“Ron and Tom are the clear choice to lead Republicans to victory in 2010,” commented SFYR President Ed Sheppard. “With so many people focused only on the national level, they understand the importance of winning at a state and local level and building a strong Republican base in California.”

November 2008 SFYR Endorsements

Dated October 21, 2008:

(Retrieved June 23, 2021)

Proposition A
General Hospital and Trauma Center Bond: NO ENDORSEMENT
Proposition B
San Francisco Affordable Housing Fund: NO
Proposition C
Prohibition on City Employees Serving as Members of Charter Boards and Commissions: NO
Proposition D
Pier 70 Maritime District Plan Approval: YES
Proposition E
Raising the Number of Signatures Required to Qualify a Recall Petition for a Member of the Board of Supervisors: NO
Proposition F
City Elections in Even-Numbered Years: NO
Proposition G
Retirement System Credit for Unpaid Parental Leave: NO ENDORSEMENT
Proposition H
San Francisco Clean Energy Act: NO
Proposition I
Creating Independent Rate Payer Advocate: NO ENDORSEMENT
Proposition J
Creating a Historic Preservation Commission: NO
Proposition K
Enforcement of Laws Related to Prostitution: NO
Proposition L
Creation of a Community Justice Center: YES
Proposition M
Tenant Rights: NO
Proposition N
Real Property Transfer Tax: NO
Proposition O
Emergency Response Fee Replacement: YES
Proposition P
Transportation Authority Efficiency Measure: YES
Proposition Q
Payroll Expense Tax: NO
Proposition R
Renaming the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant: NO ENDORSEMENT
Proposition S
Set Asides Must Identify Funding Source: NO ENDORSEMENT
Proposition T
Treatment on Demand Act: NO
Proposition U
Funding for Deployment of Armed Forces in Iraq: NO
Proposition V
San Francisco Public High School Students’ JROTC: YES

U.S. Congress, 8th District
Dana Walsh

U.S. Congress, 12th District
Greg Conlon

State Assembly, 12th District
Conchita Applegate

State Assembly, 13th District
Harmeet K. Dhillon

State Senate, 3rd District
Sashi McEntree

Superior Court Judge, Seat 12
Thomas Mellon, Jr.

Board of Education
(Vote for up to 4 candidates)
SUPPORT: Marigrace Cohen, Jill Wynns, Rachel Norton
AVOID: Glenn Davis, Sandra Lee Fewer, Norman Yee, Barbara Lopez

Community College Board
(Vote for up to 4 candidates)
SUPPORT: Roberto Figueroa, Mary T. Hernandez
AVOID: Bruce Wolfe, Chris Jackson

Board of Supervisors

(Ranked-choice voting will be used, so be sure to use your 2nd and 3rd choices to avoid any leftists listed for your district, in addition to voting for our endorsed candidates.)

District 1
Jason Jungreis
AVOID: Eric Mar

District 3
Michael DeNunzio
AVOID: Denise McCarthy, David Chiu, Tony Gantner

District 4
Ron Dudum

District 5
Owen O’Donnell, Rob Anderson (2nd choice)
AVOID: Ross Mirkarimi

District 7
Sean Elsbernd

District 9
AVOID: David Campos, Eric Quezada, Mark Sanchez

District 11
Myrna Lim
AVOID: John Avalos


(2021 Editors note: The above is posted for historical purposes only, as it was included in the copy of a previous incarnation of SFYR’s website.  Our current members do not condone the above endorsements’ negativity towards renters rights, Avalos, Campos, Mar, Yee, or Ross Mirkarimi (who current members campaigned for).)

June 2008 SFYR Endorsements

Dated April 21, 2008:

(Retrieved June 24, 2021)


These are the SFYR endorsements for this June’s candidates and local ballot initiatives:

Superior Court Judge, Seat 12
Thomas Mellon Jr.

U.S. Congress, 12th District
Greg Conlon

Republican County Central Committee, 12th AD
Walter D. Armer*
James Kincaid*

Republican County Central Committee, 13th AD
Sarah M. Vallette*
John Brunello*
Brooke Chappell*
Harmeet K. Dhillon*
Jennifer DePalma*
Matt DiChiara*
Alisa Farenzena*

Proposition A
School Parcel Tax: NO
Proposition B
New Qualifications for Retiree Health Care: YES
Proposition C
Forfeiture of Retirement Benefits: YES
Proposition D
Diversity on City Boards and Commissions: NO
Proposition E
Appointment to the Public Utilities Commission: NO
Proposition F
Affordable Housing – Hunters Point: NO
Proposition G
Mixed-Use Development – BVHP: NO ENDORSEMENT
Proposition H
Campaign Contributions from City Contractors: NO

* = SFYR member

Yes on 98

No on 99