Author: SFYR

SFYR Board’s Resolution Calling for a Ban on Mask Mandates (4/7/22)

WHEREAS, under Governor Gavin Newsom’s continued emergency order, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) has the power to reimplement a citywide mask mandate, rather than the

WHEREAS, masks warp socialization, create an environment of fear, and should only be used in the case of a genuine public emergency;

WHEREAS, prolonged mask mandates have contributed to businesses failing in downtown San Francisco, and most office employees remaining 100% remote until recently;

WHEREAS, masks have an adverse effect on kids’ social development;

WHEREAS, kids experiencing depression or other mental distress are unable to speak in-person with a therapist or counselor without both parties wearing a mask, damaging necessary communication;

WHEREAS, we have the tools necessary to mitigate COVID-19 without masks, both with vaccination and treatment;

WHEREAS, San Francisco cannot return to normal unless mask use ceases to be encouraged and commonplace, and residents accept COVID infection as inevitable & something to be diminished, not continually delayed;

WHEREAS, the San Francisco Young Republicans (SFYR) is mindful of the heightened risk of COVID to the elderly and those with compromised immune systems, but rejects the Democratic talking point that we must indefinitely reorganize society in order to address this;

BE IT RESOLVED that the SFYR opposes future mask mandates, condemns them as based in a perpetual siege mentality, and endorses the end of Gov. Newsom’s emergency order granting county health directors fiat authority;

BE IT RESOLVED that we condemn the detrimental effect extended mask mandates have previously had on downtown SF businesses;

BE IT RESOLVED that we abhor and condemn the continued masking of kids in school, and endorse the statewide lifting of the school mask mandate immediately, with no exceptions for local school districts;

BE IT RESOLVED that we condemn the safety-at-all-costs mindset that encourages continued mask use among people not at risk, and empowers do-gooder busybodies;

BE IT RESOLVED that aside from the genuinely at-risk population – the elderly, and people whose health status puts them at high risk of COVID complications – the SFYR flatly opposes mask use, absent the return of a true emergency.

Future – “Mask Off” (s/t, 2017)

SFYR Educational Event: “How to Run for Office” with speaker John Dennis

On Saturday, March 26th, John Dennis, Chairman of the San Francisco GOP and SFYR’s endorsed 2022 candidate for Congress, will be speaking at the American Legion Hall in North Beach.  Mr. Dennis will discuss how to run for office.  He will also discuss the future of the San Francisco GOP, and San Francisco’s current and future recall efforts.  John has been a San Francisco resident for 30 years and is running to defeat Nancy Pelosi for California’s 11th Congressional District in 2022.  The SFYR will provide a catered lunch. John has graciously offered his time, please join us.

John has a website, as well as a fantastic twitter feed where you can watch him refuse to back down from an Antifa bully.


Saturday, March 26th, 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM

American Legion Hall 1524 Powell Street

20$ for SFYR Members / 30$ for Non-Members:

SFYR Educational Session on the Structure of SF Local Government

Local government is the level of politics that are more amenable to being impacted by local grassroots activists, yet to most people it is the level of government that is most unknown to citizens.

SFYR decided to address this by hosting an educational event on the topic of local government last week on February 17th, 2022.

Our President, Joseph, taught our members about the key types of local government officials and how their elections work.  We covered why SF is both a city and a county, the roles of the mayor (in “strong mayor” vs. weak mayor systems), city manager/administrator, public defender,  treasurer, assessor-recorder, city attorney, and the district attorney, neighborhood supervisor elections, DCCC/RCCC elections, judge elections (local state judges vs. state appeal/supreme court judges), the role of non-partisan v. partisan type elections, and the main political divides and how those show up in precinct voter data.

SFYR is following up with the members who attended by sending them additional information on educational resources, such as the local political classic texts: and

SFYR Educational Event on the Main Philosophical Tendencies within Contemporary Conservatism

On January 20th, 2022, our Vice President, Richard, led a session teaching our members about the main philosophical tendencies within the contemporary conservative movement.  This engaging lecture featured a discussion on the ongoing debate between the National Review “fusionism” type Republicans and the Trumpian “America First” (also known as “national good”) Republicans.

SFYR followed up with the event attendees, sending them additional educational materials for further studies.  This included the very influential piece along with information on the application process for the National Review Institute’s summer fellowship program:

SFYR Endorses John Dennis for Congress (June 2022)

We are pleased to announce that San Francisco Young Republicans has endorsed John Dennis for Congress in this upcoming June 2022 election.


This October and November the San Francisco Young Republicans Board met to discuss the potential Republican candidates running in the June 2022 “Top 2” Primary to be the Republican candidate to run for Nancy Pelosi’s CA-12 Congressional seat later next year.  We considered many factors including their platforms, their proven campaign and fundraising expertise, whether they could be a serious long term Congressman who would serve the San Francisco people diligently over the long term, their loyalty to President Trump’s grassroots movement, and their track record in encouraging Millennials and Zoomers to become politically engaged.


John Dennis stood out far above the rest of the candidates on all of these points.


While we certainly wish the best of luck to the other Republicans running (Greg Lentz and Joseph Roberts), the other candidates running are likely biting off far more than they can chew.  Unless a miracle happens, you are not going to get elected in San Francisco by trying to start off at the top.  One of our favorite things about John Dennis, is that John understands the importance of competing to win at the neighborhood level.  Three years ago, John embarked upon a D-2 (Marina/Pacific Heights) campaign for county supervisor, which launched a new era of grassroots conservative organizing in San Francisco.  The lessons learned in his county supervisor campaign will serve him well as he runs for Congress.


Similarly, you are not going to win unless you campaign.  John Dennis made multiple appearances at SFYR events over the past couple of years, including most recently at the SFYR September 2021 election night party.  We would be happy to hear from the other GOP candidates, Lentz and Roberts, but neither have come to try to win the votes of Young Republicans.  (Honorable mention to Bianca Von Krieg for coming to make a pitch to us.  While we respectfully disagree with Bianca’s Democrat principles, we did appreciate the gesture of Bianca at least making an effort to win votes from Young Republicans.)


John Dennis, more than any other candidate running has campaign expertise, a fundraising track-record, a strong platform, gravitas of a serious candidate who could win re-election, has proven to be a friend of the MAGA movement, and a mentor to Millennial and Zoomer Republicans.  We hope to see a win by John Dennis this June, followed by a victory against Nancy in November.

SFYR February 2022 Endorsements

At the SFYR Board Meeting last week, SFYR voted to endorse the following positions in the upcoming School Board Recall special election:

Should Gabriella Lopez be recalled?  YES

Should Alison Collins be recalled?  YES

Should Faauuga Moliga be recalled?  YES

The election will be Tuesday, February 15th, 2022.

Information about the recall is available at:

We have not made endorsements in the Assessor-Recorder special election race, where there is a Democrat running unopposed.

We have not made endorsements in the AD-17 Special Primary Election, as it just features four Democrats.

SFYR September 2021 Endorsements

San Francisco Young Republicans has issued the following endorsements for the September 14, 2021 Special California Elections:

Question 1: Whether to Recall Governor Gavin Newsom: YES.

Question 2: Choice of Next Governor: No endorsement issued. We encourage our members to read up on the candidates, and to pick the one most in-line with your values.

2021 Governor Candidate Questionnaires

2021 California Governor Election
Republican Candidate Questionnaires

San Francisco Young Republicans is in the process of sending out our candidate questionnaires to the Republican candidates for Governor who are running serious campaigns.

Given the Democrat-aligned mainstream media’s refusal to cover Republican candidates fairly, coupled with the lack of attention given to the substance of local and state campaigns, the need for informative candidate questionnaires is paramount.  This is particularly so given the lack of institutions other than ours which seek to find out where the candidates stand not just on issues of interest to California conservatives in general, but rather specifically where they stand on issues relevant to young voters in urban NorCal.

We thank all of our Young Republican Members who contributed to the development of this election season’s candidate questionnaire.