SFYR Endorses John Dennis for Congress (June 2022)

We are pleased to announce that San Francisco Young Republicans has endorsed John Dennis for Congress in this upcoming June 2022 election.


This October and November the San Francisco Young Republicans Board met to discuss the potential Republican candidates running in the June 2022 “Top 2” Primary to be the Republican candidate to run for Nancy Pelosi’s CA-12 Congressional seat later next year.  We considered many factors including their platforms, their proven campaign and fundraising expertise, whether they could be a serious long term Congressman who would serve the San Francisco people diligently over the long term, their loyalty to President Trump’s grassroots movement, and their track record in encouraging Millennials and Zoomers to become politically engaged.


John Dennis stood out far above the rest of the candidates on all of these points.


While we certainly wish the best of luck to the other Republicans running (Greg Lentz and Joseph Roberts), the other candidates running are likely biting off far more than they can chew.  Unless a miracle happens, you are not going to get elected in San Francisco by trying to start off at the top.  One of our favorite things about John Dennis, is that John understands the importance of competing to win at the neighborhood level.  Three years ago, John embarked upon a D-2 (Marina/Pacific Heights) campaign for county supervisor, which launched a new era of grassroots conservative organizing in San Francisco.  The lessons learned in his county supervisor campaign will serve him well as he runs for Congress.


Similarly, you are not going to win unless you campaign.  John Dennis made multiple appearances at SFYR events over the past couple of years, including most recently at the SFYR September 2021 election night party.  We would be happy to hear from the other GOP candidates, Lentz and Roberts, but neither have come to try to win the votes of Young Republicans.  (Honorable mention to Bianca Von Krieg for coming to make a pitch to us.  While we respectfully disagree with Bianca’s Democrat principles, we did appreciate the gesture of Bianca at least making an effort to win votes from Young Republicans.)


John Dennis, more than any other candidate running has campaign expertise, a fundraising track-record, a strong platform, gravitas of a serious candidate who could win re-election, has proven to be a friend of the MAGA movement, and a mentor to Millennial and Zoomer Republicans.  We hope to see a win by John Dennis this June, followed by a victory against Nancy in November.