Happy Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday!

Happy Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday! Reach out to us if you’re interested in running for school board on the Republican slate of nominees for either 2022 or 2024. We’ll put you in contact with the SFGOP RCCC so they can put you in a position to win.
Once we take majority on the SF school board we’ll be able to think bigger than merely saving Lincoln High, Washington High, & Lowell High. We’ll be able to go on the offensive.
Imagine: Putting pro-American names -back- onto the schools that the Democrats already stripped them from (i.e. Columbus Elementary in the Inner Sunset), bringing back the Lincoln’s Birthday & Washington’s Birthday holidays, and adding a 1776 curriculum to require teachers at all levels to teach students to aspire to be like our Founding Fathers.
For Lincoln High itself, not only will we be able to save its name, but we’ll be able to make it easier for students to -get to school- via restoring the 66-Quintara and the Sunset portion of the 48-Quintara busses.
But, it all begins with you stepping up to volunteer for our campaigns, or to run for office yourself.